Occupational therapy

We spent the past weekend in Middelburg, a nice town in The Netherlands. Our weekend also included dinner in the hotel restaurant, and as many of you probably know, such a dinner is generally not a treat for a hyperactive 2.5-year-old. So on Friday, I decided to be proactive, and make a little something to keep Norah busy.
Drawing is an activity which generally keeps her occupied for a good ten minutes, and my plan was to extend this by giving her a pencil roll. Taking 12 pencils out of the roll, putting them back in again, out again and in again… I guestimated that could add another ten minutes.
And it worked!
There are plenty of pencil roll tutorials on the web, but I was too lazy to go through all the steps so I just made up something very simple myself. Fabrics are Kokka Elephants Trefle (from Julija’s) and Michael Miller Random Pencil Check (left-over from this dress).

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